Disha Signature

HTML email signatures

Disha Signature helps creators, influencers, entrepreneurs and brands connect their followers to the things they’re promoting.​

Create your email signature with ready-made blocks and fine templates.​

We've designed distinct templates for you to choose. These will take the look of your email signature to a whole new level in seconds. Pick one and create your email signature

Customize with unique colours, fonts and image for brand consistency.​

We understand the importance of a consistent, beautiful brand experience. Disha gives you full customization of typography, color and media in your email signature.

Banners helps you advertise effortlessly in every email.​

We've designed distinct templates for you to choose. These will take the look of your email signature to a whole new level in seconds. Pick one and create your email signature

Simple prices – no surprises

Choose a plan or use it for free. It all depends on you.


$0 / month


$5 / month

Upgrade your email signature.

Take Disha Signature for a test drive when you start your free 14-day trial. No obligations at all